Our Pupils

We are a wholly-inclusive school and welcome children of all abilities and backgrounds.  We have dedicated SEN provision and are able to cater for children with additional needs.


We have capacity for 60 pupils in Years 7 to 11.  Pupils are referred to us by their mainstream school or by their Local Authority.  We accept referrals from schools throughout London and surrounding areas.

Whilst pupils join us throughout the year, they always quickly settle into the school and become a part of our Westside community.  Our small class sizes give pupils the chance to get to know each other and form close friendships.  Likewise, we work closely with those pupils returning to their mainstream school and give them the support they need to re-integrate successfully.

Pupils gain a wide range of academic GCSEs and practical qualifications and we are very proud that every pupil leaving us goes on to further education, training or apprenticeships.  At Westside, we ensure each pupil receives the best education – whatever their starting point – and, as such, there is no difference in outcomes between our SEN and non-SEN pupils.

‘The reintegration of pupils into mainstream school has been an unmitigated success.’

Head of a local school

The school manages that crucial mix of high expectations and consistent support.
The school manages that crucial mix of high expectations and consistent support, that good parents know helps to nurture children as confident learners. The students, in turn, are a credit to those who have given them a second chance to show what they can do.

Visiting Professor

Oxford University Department of Education
I feel relieved and triumphant about my GCSE results.
After a long 3 years at Westside School, I feel relieved and triumphant about my GCSE results. I am extremely proud of myself and my achievements, and I feel really positive about my future.

Westside Student

Year 11 Student
I have just been to the first-ever parents’ meeting about my son where I have come out feeling proud of him.
I have just been to the first-ever parents’ meeting about my son where I have come out feeling proud of him.

Westside Parent

Westside Parent
I feel confident and proud of what I have achieved.
I am so happy with my GCSE results, I feel confident and proud of what I have achieved. I loved attending Westside, and I feel everything would have been really bad for me if I was not accepted into Westside.

Westside School

Year 11 Student